wheedle: to entice by flattery.
…を心に描く, …をもくろむ
Solution 2 is envisaged as a heavy weight solution providing all the necessary ‘bells and whistles’.
Solution 2 is envisaged as a heavy weight solution providing all the necessary ‘bells and whistles’.
おいしい, 甘美な
diners line up to ingest "luscious crispy pork" accompanied by rice, miso soup and cabbage side dishes.
from Zagat Survey 2005 New York City Restaurants
diners line up to ingest "luscious crispy pork" accompanied by rice, miso soup and cabbage side dishes.
from Zagat Survey 2005 New York City Restaurants
To spellbind; enthrall: He could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence. (Justin Kaplan).
[冷斎夜話1](骨を取り換え、胎を取って使う意) 詩文を作る際に、古人の作品の趣意は変えず語句だけを換え、または古人の作品の趣意に沿いながら新しいものを加えて表現すること。俗に、「焼き直し」の意に誤用。
It's too bad Postel's free-spirited image isn't emblazoned as a reminder on the front of the conference programs.
It's too bad Postel's free-spirited image isn't emblazoned as a reminder on the front of the conference programs.
優柔不断, 不決断
There's a push for a new international organization, perhaps the United Nations, to take over — a sure recipe for stifling bureaucracy and indecision.
There's a push for a new international organization, perhaps the United Nations, to take over — a sure recipe for stifling bureaucracy and indecision.
The Internet should be the creative, fast-evolving sum of millions of computer users. From Silicon Valley geeks to French wine salesmen to Middle Eastern imams.
from U.N. control of Internet? An idea for the 'delete' file
The Internet should be the creative, fast-evolving sum of millions of computer users. From Silicon Valley geeks to French wine salesmen to Middle Eastern imams.
from U.N. control of Internet? An idea for the 'delete' file
Don't you envy a country where even the novelists are numerate?
from Tolstoy's measure of a man
Don't you envy a country where even the novelists are numerate?
from Tolstoy's measure of a man
I wonder when we'll find the TCP/IP of patent indemnity offerings, something that everyone can use, join, and benefit from.
I wonder when we'll find the TCP/IP of patent indemnity offerings, something that everyone can use, join, and benefit from.
開口部, 穴
you form an interesting picture of Google creating a nationwide developer-friendly mobile wireless platform, bypassing the "orifices" (to use Steve Jobs's phrase) of the carriers.
from I For One Welcome Our New Google Overlords
you form an interesting picture of Google creating a nationwide developer-friendly mobile wireless platform, bypassing the "orifices" (to use Steve Jobs's phrase) of the carriers.
from I For One Welcome Our New Google Overlords
band together
集まる, 団結する
an amazing example of an industry that has banded together to protect its business
an amazing example of an industry that has banded together to protect its business
困惑させる, 心を奪う
how much of the innovation in online business models is really happening in that industry first and bemused by people's reticence to give them the credit or even talk about the subject.
how much of the innovation in online business models is really happening in that industry first and bemused by people's reticence to give them the credit or even talk about the subject.
軽くたたく, とんとん打つ, 軽くペタペタ塗る
There are also many adult sites that dabbled in the affiliate marketing concept before Amazon.com picked it up.
There are also many adult sites that dabbled in the affiliate marketing concept before Amazon.com picked it up.
勢い, はずみ, 刺激
This was the impetus for creating the "first on the Web" Amazon.com Associates Program.
This was the impetus for creating the "first on the Web" Amazon.com Associates Program.
じっくり考える, 熟考する
After that exchange, Bezos pondered the idea and thought about having the woman link her site to Amazon.com and receive a commission on the book sales.
from History of Affiliate Marketing
After that exchange, Bezos pondered the idea and thought about having the woman link her site to Amazon.com and receive a commission on the book sales.
from History of Affiliate Marketing
The reports satisfactorily answer their questions, however, they are parochial in nature.
The reports satisfactorily answer their questions, however, they are parochial in nature.
At the present rate of progress, it is almost impossible to imagine any technical feat that cannot be achieved - if it can be achieved at all - within the next few hundred years.
- Arthur C. Clarke
At the present rate of progress, it is almost impossible to imagine any technical feat that cannot be achieved - if it can be achieved at all - within the next few hundred years.
- Arthur C. Clarke
One of the presentations was on the state of the overall book market, and had this factoid: 93% of all ISBN's sold fewer than 1,000 units and accounted for 13% of all sales.
One of the presentations was on the state of the overall book market, and had this factoid: 93% of all ISBN's sold fewer than 1,000 units and accounted for 13% of all sales.
We segue to a demo of Xbox 360 Live by "executive producer" Jeff Henshaw, with attention paid to integration of messaging to recruit other users for head-to-head play, as well as now familiar community features such as user ratings, feedback, and user-contributed content.
Live Softwareより
We segue to a demo of Xbox 360 Live by "executive producer" Jeff Henshaw, with attention paid to integration of messaging to recruit other users for head-to-head play, as well as now familiar community features such as user ratings, feedback, and user-contributed content.
Live Softwareより
It says it has not connected the vast dossier of interests and behavior to specific users by name. But that could change as Google offers more personal services - like e-mail messages and social networking - and works more tightly with partners who already have such personal information.
It says it has not connected the vast dossier of interests and behavior to specific users by name. But that could change as Google offers more personal services - like e-mail messages and social networking - and works more tightly with partners who already have such personal information.
勇気, 力量
Google was willing to make that bid only because of its confidence in its advertising sales prowess.
Google was willing to make that bid only because of its confidence in its advertising sales prowess.
感じのよい, 親切な, 社交的な
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were exceedingly ambitious from the day they started Google, but the job of finding some source of revenue fell to Omid Kordestani, an amiable former Netscape sales executive who was brought to the company in 1999 by K. Ram Shriram, another Netscape alumnus and an early Google investor.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were exceedingly ambitious from the day they started Google, but the job of finding some source of revenue fell to Omid Kordestani, an amiable former Netscape sales executive who was brought to the company in 1999 by K. Ram Shriram, another Netscape alumnus and an early Google investor.
実用的な, 功利主義の
few outside of the engineering Ph.D.'s at Google think that television ads should simply be utilitarian, rather than entertaining, provocative or annoyingly repetitive - the models that have worked so far.
few outside of the engineering Ph.D.'s at Google think that television ads should simply be utilitarian, rather than entertaining, provocative or annoyingly repetitive - the models that have worked so far.
行商人, 宣伝屋
Eric E. Schmidt, Google's chief executive, explains the company's astounding success in advertising - and reconciles it with the founders' distrust of hucksterism - by suggesting that advertising should be interesting, relevant and useful to users.
Google Wants to Dominate Madison Avenue, Tooより
Eric E. Schmidt, Google's chief executive, explains the company's astounding success in advertising - and reconciles it with the founders' distrust of hucksterism - by suggesting that advertising should be interesting, relevant and useful to users.
Google Wants to Dominate Madison Avenue, Tooより
Taking these factors into account simultaneously results in a searching algorithm that gets messages to the target by passing it to gregarious individuals who are most like the target.
"Six Degrees of Separation" Theory Explained in New Algorithm by UMass Amherst Researchersより
Taking these factors into account simultaneously results in a searching algorithm that gets messages to the target by passing it to gregarious individuals who are most like the target.
"Six Degrees of Separation" Theory Explained in New Algorithm by UMass Amherst Researchersより
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