Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is believed by some to be an ape-like cryptid and by others to be the product of imagination.
-- From Wikipedia
-- From Wikipedia
1 見え見えの, 見え透いた; 露骨な, 目に余る.
2 ひどく騒々しい; けばけばしい.
Added on 2006-12-22:
Scott's smoking is blatant. Not only does he light up everywhere, but his clothes smell of smoke, and his fingers are stained with nicotine.
The company's disregard of the environment is blatant. It makes no effor to stop polluting coastal waters with garbage.
2 ひどく騒々しい; けばけばしい.
Added on 2006-12-22:
Scott's smoking is blatant. Not only does he light up everywhere, but his clothes smell of smoke, and his fingers are stained with nicotine.
The company's disregard of the environment is blatant. It makes no effor to stop polluting coastal waters with garbage.
Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is the most poisonous naturally occurring substance in the world. Though it is highly toxic, it is used in minute doses both to treat painful muscle spasms, and as a cosmetic treatment in some parts of the world. It is sold commercially under the brand names Botox and Dysport for this purpose. The terms Botox and Dysport are trade names and are not used generically to describe the neurotoxins produced by Clostridia species.
-- From Wikipedia
-- From Wikipedia
A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.
1. To throw off sparks; flash.
2. To sparkle or shine. See synonyms at flash.
3. To be animated and brilliant: dinner conversation that scintillated.
[Latin scintillare, scintillat-, from scintilla, spark.]
2. To sparkle or shine. See synonyms at flash.
3. To be animated and brilliant: dinner conversation that scintillated.
[Latin scintillare, scintillat-, from scintilla, spark.]
have a way with
to have a charming, persuasive, or effective manner of dealing with: He has a way with children; to have a way with words.
(from dictionary.com)
(from dictionary.com)
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