deliberate: v. To think carefully and often slowly, as about a choice to be made.
Some decisions are the result of logical deliberation.
feign: a. To give a false appearance of: feign sleep. b. To represent falsely; pretend to: feign
authorship of a novel. See synonyms at pretend.
We feign accuracy in mapping our feeling onto numbers or dollars.
1. To talk casually; chat.
2. Psychology. To replace fact with fantasy unconsciously in memory.
The ability to confabulate -- to tell stories smoothing over the rough edges of experience -- is part of being human.
relativistic: Of or relating to relativism.
One is the relativistic nature of money.
deviant, venereal, ersatz, monstrous, gullible, hardy
Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
a. Transmitted by sexual intercourse. b. Of or relating to a sexually transmitted disease.
perhaps I have an incurable venereal disease.
Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one; artificial: ersatz coffee made mostly of chicory.
Durham was on the sixteenth floor, but the building was hemmed in on all sides by ugly late-twenties office towers, blue and pink ersatz-marble monstrosities; no expensive harbor views here.
Shockingly hideous or frightful.
Easily deceived or duped.
For someone who was ripping off gullible millionaires -- or even someone who merely sold them insurance -- Durham didn't seem to have much to show for it.
Being in robust and sturdy good health.
It's not intrinsically hardier; it's just better protected by the ocean.
Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.
a. Transmitted by sexual intercourse. b. Of or relating to a sexually transmitted disease.
perhaps I have an incurable venereal disease.
Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one; artificial: ersatz coffee made mostly of chicory.
Durham was on the sixteenth floor, but the building was hemmed in on all sides by ugly late-twenties office towers, blue and pink ersatz-marble monstrosities; no expensive harbor views here.
Shockingly hideous or frightful.
Easily deceived or duped.
For someone who was ripping off gullible millionaires -- or even someone who merely sold them insurance -- Durham didn't seem to have much to show for it.
Being in robust and sturdy good health.
It's not intrinsically hardier; it's just better protected by the ocean.
tenacious, unrepentant
tenacious: Holding or tending to hold persistently to something, such as a point of view.
Those hunches are amazingly tenacious.
unrepentant: Having or exhibiting no remorse.
When the matter was explained at length, many subjects remained unconvinced, uncertain, or unrepentant.
Those hunches are amazingly tenacious.
unrepentant: Having or exhibiting no remorse.
When the matter was explained at length, many subjects remained unconvinced, uncertain, or unrepentant.
morbid, excrement, poignant, egregious, exert
a. Of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or diseased. b. Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome: "He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses" (Edgar Allan Poe).
2. Characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings: read the account of the murder with a morbid interest.
3. Gruesome; grisly.
Waste material, especially fecal matter, that is expelled from the body after digestion.
a. Physically painful: "Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward" (Ambrose Bierce). b. Keenly distressing to the mind or feelings: poignant anxiety. c. Profoundly moving; touching: a poignant memory. See synonyms at moving.
Conspicuously bad or offensive. See synonyms at flagrant.
1. Easy to notice; obvious.
2. Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable. See synonyms at noticeable.
To put to use or effect; put forth: exerted all my strength to move the box.
a. Of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or diseased. b. Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome: "He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses" (Edgar Allan Poe).
2. Characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings: read the account of the murder with a morbid interest.
3. Gruesome; grisly.
Waste material, especially fecal matter, that is expelled from the body after digestion.
a. Physically painful: "Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward" (Ambrose Bierce). b. Keenly distressing to the mind or feelings: poignant anxiety. c. Profoundly moving; touching: a poignant memory. See synonyms at moving.
Conspicuously bad or offensive. See synonyms at flagrant.
1. Easy to notice; obvious.
2. Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable. See synonyms at noticeable.
To put to use or effect; put forth: exerted all my strength to move the box.
craven, despicable, deplore, impasse
craven: Characterized by abject fear; cowardly.
1. Brought low in condition or status. See synonyms at mean2.
2. Being of the most contemptible kind: abject cowardice.
3. Being of the most miserable kind; wretched: abject poverty.
despicable: Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.
1. To feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn: "Somehow we had to master events, not simply deplore them" (Henry A. Kissinger).
2. To express sorrow or grief over.
3. To regret; bemoan.
1. A road or passage having no exit; a cul-de-sac.
2. A situation that is so difficult that no progress can be made; a deadlock or a stalemate: reached an impasse in the negotiations.
I find Hatoyama's behavior craven and despicable, but I deplore even more the U.S. government's arrogance in forcing the Japanese to this deeply humiliating impasse.
1. Brought low in condition or status. See synonyms at mean2.
2. Being of the most contemptible kind: abject cowardice.
3. Being of the most miserable kind; wretched: abject poverty.
despicable: Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.
1. To feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn: "Somehow we had to master events, not simply deplore them" (Henry A. Kissinger).
2. To express sorrow or grief over.
3. To regret; bemoan.
1. A road or passage having no exit; a cul-de-sac.
2. A situation that is so difficult that no progress can be made; a deadlock or a stalemate: reached an impasse in the negotiations.
I find Hatoyama's behavior craven and despicable, but I deplore even more the U.S. government's arrogance in forcing the Japanese to this deeply humiliating impasse.
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