
Smart.fm SAT verbal advanced, lesson 5

obviate: to effectively dispose of; to make unnecessary; avert, forestall, prevent
One of the advantages of having a bald head is that it obviates the need for a haircut.

decipher: to read or interpret; convert from a code; decrypt
It took a team of experts years to decipher the message on the scroll.

consternation: great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or bewildered
bewildered: to confuse or befuddle, especially with numerous conflicting situations, objects or statements
They felt great consternation when they realized they were lost.

abate: to diminish in intensity, violence, amount; to subtract
They were relieved that the violent thunderstorm had finally abated.

forage: search for food or provisions
provisions: a stock of necessary supplies, especially food
Panda bears spend most of their time foraging for food.

duress: constraint by threat; imprisonment
Her father put her under great duress to apologize.

fissure: a long, narrow, deep cleft or crack
cleft: a crack, crevice, or split
These huge fissures in the glacier were attributed to the effects of global warming.

restitution: return to a former condition or situation
He was ordered to make restitution to the company he had stolen money from.

forlorn: without hope; desperate
She was deeply forlorn over the death of her husband.

conciliatory: tending to reconcile
The counselor encouraged the couple to adopt a more conciliatory approach.


Smart.fm SAT verbal advanced, lesson 4

inexorable: not to be moved by entreaty; unyielding; relentless
entreaty: an earnest request or petition; a plea
In the boxing ring, he was an inexorable opponent.

proliferate: to quickly reproduce or spread
Wildflowers proliferate in the meadow outside our home.

recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority, discipline or guidance
defy: to oppose or resist with boldness and assurance
The recalcitrant child refused to listen to his teacher.

treachery: perfidy, disloyalty, or treason
perfidy: deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust
His treachery was eventually discovered.

grouse: complain; grumble
He frequently groused about his computer's poor performance.

waft: float, as on the wind
With a gentle puff, she sent the seeds wafting into the summer breeze.

caustic: corrosive; that which can destroy tissue by chemical action
Caustic substances should be safely stored in sealed containers.

pundit: actual or self-professed authority
The former journalist was now a political pundit on a cable television talk show.

exhort: urge
The energertic cheerleaders exhorted their team to win.


Smart.fm SAT verbal advanced, lesson 3

recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority, discipline or guidance
The recalcitrant child refused to listen to his teacher.

inexorable: not to be moved by entreaty; unyielding; relentless
entreaty: an earnest request or petition; a plea
In the boxing ring, he was an inexorable opponent.

proliferate: to quickly reproduce or spread
Wildflowers proliferate in the meadow outside out home.
meadow: a tract of glassland, either in its natural state or used as pasture or for growing hay
pasture: glass or other vegetation eaten as food by grazing animals
tract: an expanse of land or water

treachery: perfidy, disloyalty, or treason
perfidy: deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery
His treachery was eventually discovered.

grouse: complain; grumble
He frequently groused about his computer's poor performance.

occult: secret; esoteric
esoteric: intended for or understood by only a particular group
She takes her passion for the occult a little to seriously

waft: float, as on the wind
With a gentle puff, she sent the seeds wafting into the summer breeze.
puff: a short, forceful exhalation of breath

caustic: corrosive; that which can destroy tissue by chemical action
Caustic substances should be safely stored in sealed containers.

pundit: actual or self0professed authority
profess: to affirm openly
The former journalist was now a political pundit on a a cable television talk show.

exhort: urge
To urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice or appeal
admonition: mild, kind, yet earnest reproof
reprove: to voice or convey disapproval of
The energetic cheerleaders exhorted their team to win.

2010-01-24 smart.fm

incursion: a raid or invasion; the act of entering another's territory or domain
What was at first an incursion had become a lengthy occupation.

impeccable: without defect or error; flawless

requiem: a religious or musical service for the dead

intractable: difficult to manage or govern; stubborn
The businessman found himself struggling with an intractable situation.

seminal: of reproduction; germinal; originative
on AHDEL: highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development
The discovery of electricity was a seminal development in the history of science.

serene: calm, peaceful, tranquil
The newborn baby girl has a serene expression on her face.

din: loud confusing noise
It was hard to hear anything above the din of the crowd.

antidote: a remedy to counteract a poison
People can die from the bite of a black widow if the antidote is not given in time.

propriety: the quality of being proper; suitableness, appropriateness
The young manager felt that his assistant lacked a sense of propriety.

flout: show scorn or contempt
She makes great effort to flout society's rules.

From 2010-01-18 episode of A Way with Words

get one's goat
condescending: Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude
smarmy: Hypocritcally, complacently, or effusively earnest
oily: Excessively suave in action or behavior; unctuous
rearing/raring to go
champing/chomping at the bit
cesspool: A covered hole or pit for receiving drainage or sewage, as from a house






The study of rock strata, especially the distribution, deposition, and age of sedimentary rocks.


1. Acceptance as true or valid; belief.
2. Claim to acceptance; trustworthiness.


The highest point; the vertex


A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.


A long, threadlike appendage, especially a whiplike extension of certain cells or unicellular organisms that functions as an organ of locomotion.



a. Capable of occurring or not occurring; contingent. b. Not required or compulsory; optional.


A single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane-bound nucleus.
eukaryotic adjective

From Quiz Guy on 2009-12-14 episode of A Way with Words

Christmas chrysanthemums
schadenfreude school
shtetl shtick
scrumptious scrapple
Shrovetide shrimp
sprocket spreadsheed
threescore thriftshops